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10 & zero uno

​10 & zero uno was born in 2022 in Venice, from the desire of Chiara Boscolo to promote contemporary art that knows how to amaze, confuse and make people fall in love within a gallery that develops on the three fundamental principles of art, project and space. Where art becomes the reason for an inspired existence that influences our thinking, project is the profound innovative thrust of an action determined to change a reality in continuous evolution, and space is identified as a place of openness, a stage for living a set of relationships and circumstances that become a social dimension. To do this, she chose to open her headquarters first near Piazzale Roma and then in an even more magical place, a small neighbourhood butcher’s shop at the end of Via Garibaldi, a few steps from the Giardini Biennale.

opening hours/ 

Mar – Sab 11-13 / 15-19
e su appuntamento
Chiuso domenica e lunedì


(0039) 3294089647



Chiara Boscolo


founded in/ 

2022 Venice


© 2020 Venice Galleries View 

| CF: 94098760278

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