Opening Saturday 1 February 2025 from 4 to 8 p.m.
From 3 February to 15 March 2025 at Calle de l'Aseo 1865A, Cannaregio, Venice
Nico Angiuli / Agostino Bergamaschi / Orianne Castel / Nico Covre / Iginio De
Luca / Graziano Folata / Sophie Franza / Beatrice Gelmetti / Wang Jingyun /
Chiara Peruch / Francesco Piva / Christopher Webb
Curated by Marina Bastianello
Co-curatorship and text by Elettra Arban
During the opening, a sound improvisation entitled Magazzino Live performance by the
artist Francesco Piva will take place, exploring the potential of listening in the space-time of
an ephemeral experience. The Soundscape is the vehicle for a dialogue between sound,
space and the presence of the public.
The marina bastianello gallery is pleased to present the group exhibition entitled
Magazzino, an exhibition that celebrates the hidden value of the works of art conserved in
warehouses and their relevance in contemporary art. On this occasion, the storage,
traditionally a place of preservation and protection, becomes the beating heart of the gallery,
bringing to the fore works that have been exhibited in the past but tell stories of research
and innovation.
The Magazzino exhibition aims to recover these works, placing them side by side with more
recent and unpublished pieces, putting them on the same visual level, despite their different
times and genres.
The exhibition brings together the work of twelve artists who, through a broad spectrum of
techniques and languages - from painting to sculpture to the use of new media - present
works that are oriented as much towards the essential as towards a representation of art in
its complexity, emphasising the communicative power of each individual work.
The works on display come from the following artists of the gallery: Nico Angiuli, Agostino
Bergamaschi, Orianne Castel, Nico Covre, Iginio De Luca, Graziano Folata, Sophie
Franza, Beatrice Gelmetti, Chiara Peruch, Francesco Piva, Wang Jingyun and
Christopher Webb. A unique opportunity to discover behind the scenes of artistic production,
where the invisible becomes the protagonist.